Sunday, 7 January 2007

Too much milk (Engorgement)

Having too little milk is a problem but having too much milk can also be a problem, as we are now experiencing. If the breasts produce too much milk, these can feel uncomfortable and hard as a rock, which is what is happening to us right now. In our case (and I think it is normal when engorgement) our baby can not latch properly to the breast. It is like if you were trying to bite or latch an air balloon, it's just to hard and full.
Apparently, this happens only during the first two weeks of breast feeding (if at all) when the production of milk has not yet adjusted to the demand of the baby. It seems that the natural reaction of the body is to produce too much milk just in case....
We have heard and read different experts about the problem and they have different solutions and opinions . One solution some of them propose is to express milk the excessive milk until you breasts adjust to the demand of your baby . Some others are contrary to this solution because they say that by doing this you encourage the breast to produce more milk and thus you are not reducing the problem. The latter prefer to recommend to apply wet hot and cold cloths alternatively to the breast in order to alleviate the congestion just before feeding the baby. Another solution quite similar to the latter one is to apply fridge-cold cabbage leaves to the breast before breast feeding (do not ask me why cabbage, I do not know, is it because of the shape or does it have some other properties?...)
In view of the different opinions we have tried a bit of each and found a compromise. The hot/cold cloths usually work, but sometimes, when the breast is very congested and hard it was not enough. In those cases we have used the breast pump, just a little bit until the baby could latch. We have made special attention not to use the pump more than necessary. In our case it seems to have worked. It is four days since the problem started and now, fortunately, it seems to be fading away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you may want to pump as much as you can that way you can freeze it and keep it to use for 6 months that way there if she gets sick the baby can still have breastmilk and not have to switch to formula in a rapid way which will constipate him also you have no way of knowing if her supply will dwindle and the medications for increasing it are unreliable at best.a book that might be really helpful to you for a quick home reference on baby care is : what to expect the first year it is written by a group of drs and really is very helpful in telling what to expect as far as milestones in developement as well as being a indispensible home refrence on medical issues and many different techniques to try when faced with issue such as what to do when baby won't latch or is teething or has colic

8 January 2007 at 13:53  

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